品 牌 |
PREMAX (意大利,官网地址:http://www.premax.it ) www.xnife.net 双刃行 |
型 号 |
# 04PX003 "Ringlock Nagelknipser " 意大利PREMAX品牌 RING-LOCK专利锁定男士指甲钳
产 地 |
展开长度 |
8.4 cm xnife.net 双刃行 唯一官网 |
闭合长度 |
-- |
钢 材 |
high-quality stainless steel 整体为高质量不锈钢制造 |
刀刃长度 |
-- xnife.net 双刃行唯一官网 |
刀刃厚度 |
-- xnife.net 双刃行唯一官网 |
表面处理 |
exclusive surface treatment 独特表面处理 xnife.net 双刃行唯一官网 |
手柄材质 |
-- |
手柄厚度 |
--ife.net 双刃行唯一官网 |
重量 |
213.76 克 xnife.net 双刃行唯一官网 |
锁定方式 |
RING-LOCK 专利锁定系统fe.net 双刃行唯一官网 |
其他 |
此款专为男士设计 |
官网价格 |
18.91欧元,不包含运费及关税 xnife.net 双刃行唯一官网 |
限 制 |
未成年人请勿购买任何商品! xnife.net 双刃行唯一官网 |

For generations, high-quality scissors have been manufactured in the Italian town of Premana near Lake Como. Due to the use of high-grade materials, the attention to detail and European craftsmanship, the local scissors manufactories have asserted their position against the cheap Asian competitors and are highly esteem by their demanding clientele. The new scissors series Ringlock is especially innovative. The classical screw of the scissors is replaced by a specially designed and patented locking system. This Ringlock system is manufactured using a watchmaker's technology and works with a ring and an aluminum bearing. This provides a permanently precise functioning of the shear blades. The Ringlock system guarantees precise and long-lasting problem-free cutting and hence extends the lifespan of the entire scissors. All models are made of high-quality stainless steel with an exclusive surface treatment and convince with their modern design. Nail clippers.
此款为德国BOKER代理的意大利PREMAX品牌,RING-LOCK专利锁定系统的男士指甲钳系列。PREMAX品牌创立于意大利小城 Premana,有着悠久历史的一家传统生产剪刀的家族企业,有着上百年的生产历史,正式创立属于自己的PREMAX品牌在1974年。此款男士指甲钳系列采用高质量不锈钢制造,外层为独特的涂层技术;采用专利的RING-LOCK锁定系统,相比传统指甲钳,更牢固耐用,而且几乎没有损坏的可能性;宽大的剪切面可以方便的修整男士的指甲,而高质量的材料可以保证长久使用的锋利度; 该品牌所有产品均在意大利制造。nife Premana.net 双刃行 唯一官网

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