品 牌 |
KERSHAW 卡秀 (官网地址:http://kershaw.kaiusaltd.com/) |
型 号 |
# 7600 " LAUNCH 5 - AUTO-MAGIC "弹射5 " 水滴型军警自动侧跳折刀
产 地 |
MADE IN USA 美国制造 |
展开长度 |
21.6 cm |
刀刃长度 |
8.6 cm |
闭合长度 |
13 cm |
刀身钢材 |
CPM 154 154粉末不锈钢 |
刀刃硬度 |
59~60 HRC |
刀刃厚度 |
2.7 mm |
表面处理 |
stonewashed finish 钢本色 石洗处理 |
手柄材质 |
Anodized aluminum 黑色阳极氧化铝合金材质 |
重量 |
116.2 克 |
包装规格 |
开启锁定方式 |
自动按钮 |
官网价格 |
169.99美元,不包含运费及关税 |
限 制 |
未成年人请勿购买! 本品仅供收藏! |

An exciting new entry in Kershaw's automatic series is the Launch 5. Designed by Emerson and USA-built by Kershaw, this handsome auto takes Emerson’s tactical looks to the next level of refinement.
The Launch 5's CPM154 powdered metallurgy blade steel offers more uniform distribution of carbides—so it takes and holds an excellent edge. It also provides good corrosion resistance, wear resistance, and toughness. The blade is stonewashed for good looks and to hide use-scratches.
To lighten the Launch 5's weight, the handles and integrated backspacer are made of durable anodized aluminum. A machined texture on the handles provides a secure grip. The Launch 5 opens with a push button, recessed so that it is level with the flat of the handle. This is a safety feature and makes it harder for the knives to accidentally deploy. Left-handers can use their index finger instead of their thumb to press the blade-release/lock button. A reversible pocketclip is included and a lanyard tie-off is built into the butt end of the knife.
Automatic knives are dangerous and should be handled with extreme caution in all circumstances. Comply with all local, State, and Federal regulations regarding the purchase, owning, carrying, and transportation of automatic knives.
Due to the many and varied Federal and State laws that govern the purchase, owning, and transportation of automatic knives, Kershaw Automatics will be sold only through authorized Kershaw dealers. They are not available for purchase on this website; this webpage is for information only.
此款KERSHAW 卡秀 7600 Automatic “LAUNCH 5” “弹射5”自动侧跳折刀为2016年新款自动刀,属于卡秀产品里的自动刀系列。 设计者为大名鼎鼎的 EMERSON 埃莫森战术刀具公司,由KERSHAW公司负责生产,所以刀身上有埃莫森的LOGO。该款自动刀刀身选用 CPM 154, 粉末154不锈钢制造,相比普通154CM不锈钢,该款钢材为粉末冶炼工艺,比普通154CM具有更均匀的分子结构,也具有更平均分布的刀身强度;刀型为水滴型,表面为钢本色石洗处理;手柄为黑色阳极氧化处理的铝合金材质,轻量,坚固,耐腐蚀;手柄末端有一个可以左右互换位置的钢制口袋夹;开启方式为优化设计的PUSH BUTTON自动按钮;按钮被设计为和手柄一个平面,可以避免凸起设计造成的意外触碰解锁的风险;开启时需要按下,并且足够深度,才可以弹开刀身;闭合的时候,也需要按下按钮,才可以收回刀身。手柄末端有一个隐藏的系绳孔。
KERSHAW (卡秀) 公司简介:
KERSHAW,中文叫它“卡秀”公司。是和著名的ZERO TOLAERANCE ZT零误差公司 同属于KAI.LTD 凯·母公司的两个刀具子品牌。Kai USA Ltd 是日本第一的集刀具生产,出口,设计一体的大型公司。在美国最初主要以进口日本厨具刀在美国销售为主要业务,后来看到美国巨大的战术刀具和民用刀具市场,于是创立了两个独立的子品牌,一个是ZT 零误差公司,主打战术系列,生产的都是一些高端的战术折刀系列;而另外一个品牌,就是KERSHAW 卡秀,主要以民用市场为主,生产的都是高性价比的民用刀具类,以性价比著称。生产的产品深受美国市场的欢迎。
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