品 牌 |
SPYDERCO 蜘蛛 (官网地址:www.spyderco.com ) |
型 号 |
# FB31SYL "ENUFF SHEEPFOOT SALT" FB31羊脚蹄型H-1钢全齿潜水刀/救援刀 |
产 地 |
全 长 |
171 mm |
表面处理 |
Satin 钢本色拉丝处理 |
刀刃长 |
70 mm |
切割刃长度 |
65 mm |
刀刃钢材 |
H-1 H-1钢 |
钢材硬度 |
58-60 HRC |
手柄材质 |
一体龙骨,外侧为黄色带双向止滑纹路FRN材质手柄包裹。螺丝为不锈钢材质。 |
刀刃厚度 |
4 mm |
重量 |
111 克 |
刀鞘材质 |
injection molded polymer sheath 注塑聚合物材质刀鞘,配有双向调整腰夹。 |
用 途 |
潜水/救援/渔猎 |
设计者 |
Spyderco |
官网售价 |
429.95美元,不含关税及运费 |
警 告 :未 成 年 人 请 勿 购 买!本 品 仅 供 收 藏!

FB31SYL H-1 Enuff Serrated Sheepfoot
The latest addition to Spyderco’s popular Enuff series is the Enuff Sheepfoot in H-1 steel. Like all the knives in the Enuff series, this knife is designed to provide “enough” blade for even the toughest cutting chores, while maintaining a small, easy-to-carry size. However, thanks to the use of H-1 steel, this version of the Enuff is also completely rustproof.
All Enuff knives feature skeletonized full-tang construction for strength and light weight and identical handle scales injection molded from durable fiberglass-reinforced nylon. The scales are contoured to provide a hand-filling grip and boast Spyderco’s signature Bi-Directional Texturing™ pattern. Since the H-1 Enuff is ideal for use around water, it features high-visibility yellow scales that make it easy to locate—even in murky water.
The H-1 Enuff features a hollow-ground sheepfoot blade with a fully serrated SpyderEdge edge for aggressive cutting performance, especially on fibrous materials like rope, cord, and webbing. Its H-1 steel is a nitrogen-based alloy with only trace amounts of carbon, the element that causes steels to rust. It is also an austenitic steel that work hardens instead of hardening through a traditional heat-treating process. Together these properties yield a blade that is 100% rustproof and features an exceptionally hard cutting edge and a springy, ductile back.
Enuff series knives all use the same injection molded polymer sheath design. It features two “ears” at the mouth that snap around the leading edge of the handle scales to hold the knife securely in place when sheathed. Spyderco’s angle-adjustable G-Clip attachment supports a variety of carry options.

此款FB31SYL 黄色FRN手柄H1钢全齿刀,是在蜘蛛最受欢迎的小型直刀系列 ENUFF 系列上改进而来。ENUFF系列直刀是一款小型便携系列,很多蜘蛛迷希望蜘蛛公司可以生产一款更便于日常维护和使用的型号,于是,在听取了众多蜘蛛迷的诉求后,便有了这款采用H-1钢为刀身材质,黄色FRN手柄的全新FB31SYL。 此款小型直刀采用防锈能力最强的H-1钢,这种钢材通过特殊工艺,将钢材冶炼中的碳元素用大量的氮元素替换出来,使得钢材中几乎不含碳元素,所以达到了100%完美的抗锈蚀能力,但同时,这种钢材生产成本也比较高,目前只应用在少数行业上。刀身采用羊脚蹄型设计,这种刀型将常规的刀尖仿照羊蹄样做了改进,几乎没有刀尖,这样在使用中是非常安全的,不会伤到被救援人员或者是同伴。采用类似涡轮状切割的刀面具有很小的切割阻力,同时,采用了蜘蛛最经典的“仿鲨鱼齿”型全齿作为刀刃,切割能力相比普通平刃刀,提升了约40倍的切割力。不论是何种材质,尼龙,聚酯,甚至凯夫拉纤维,都可以轻易撕破! 手柄采用醒目的黄色FRN材质,这种颜色不论是在野外还是在污浊的水下,或是在海水中,都是非常醒目的颜色,一旦是掉落或者环境昏暗时都可以很容易被发现;同时,黄色也是鲨鱼最害怕的颜色,一定程度上在水下还可以起到警示鲨鱼的安全作用!手柄上设计有蜘蛛经典的双向防滑纹路,增大摩擦阻力;刀背处设计有机械雕刻的锯齿防滑槽;同时,手柄末端设计有一个系绳孔,可以穿过伞绳,防止使用中掉落,或者是脱手。 随刀附带一个浇筑成型的聚合物刀鞘,配有蜘蛛专利的G-CLIP腰夹,可以横挂或者竖挂于腰带上。非常适合户外登山,渔猎,潜水,或者救援使用!
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