品 牌 |
型 号 |
# FB29GPSBBK "PYGMY WARRIOR" 精英勇士 短款生存刀 |
产 地 |
MADE IN USA 美国制造 |
全 长 |
236 mm |
刃 长 |
116 mm |
刀刃钢材 |
premium CTS BD1 stainless steel CTS BD1 粉末不锈钢 |
表面处理 |
DLC(钻石类金刚石涂层) |
刀身硬度 |
58~60HRC |
锯齿刃长度 |
99 mm |
刀刃厚度 |
4.3 mm |
手柄材质 |
BLACK G-10 黑色G10包裹,一体龙骨材质。 |
重量 |
207 克 |
刀鞘材质 |
美国SPEC-OPS顶级尼龙鞘(美国制造) |
类 型 |
生存刀。 |
设计者 |
Bob Taylor 鲍勃·泰勒 设计。 |
官网售价 |
309.95美元,不含关税及运费 |

Spyderco Warrior Black Blade ~ FB29PSBBK
The Pygmy Warrior distills the unique qualities of the legendary Warrior design into a more compact, easier-to-carry format. Designed by combat veteran and lifelong martial artist Bob Taylor, the Pygmy is precision machined from premium CTS BD1 stainless steel and features full-tang construction for extreme strength and a tough, non-reflective Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) coating. The curve of the blade is computer optimized to match the natural arc of motion of the human arm and ensure maximum energy transfer during a thrust. An aggressive series of sawteeth on the back of the blade also provide extreme traction when used with reverse-grip trapping and hooking techniques.
One of the Pygmy’s most distinctive features is its “stackable” handle construction, which consists of two outer scales and two spacers that allow you to custom tune the grip size to your hand. This highly evolved close-combat tool includes a custom-molded Boltaron® sheath equipped with a versatile G-Clip attachment that supports angle-adjustable belt or inside-the-waistband carry. Every knife also includes a copy of the book Every knife also includes a copy of the book The Warrior Path, which traces the history of the Warrior knife’s evolution and has been revised and updated to include the Pygmy Warrior story.For more information or to get involved please visit http://www.specialops.org/

此款 Pygmy Warrior 精英勇士(小号)直刀,设计灵感源于经典传奇的“勇士”系列直刀。更紧凑的设计,便于携带。由越战老兵兼终身成就的武术艺术家泰勒设计,采用精密优质的CTS BD1粉末不锈钢制造,这种钢材具有极好的强度和韧性,表面采用非反射的类金刚石(DLC)涂层,这种DLC涂层是目前最现金的涂层技术之一,广泛应用在目前最尖端的行业,比如F1赛车和涡轮增压汽车的发动机中,手表的表面镀层,这种DLC镀层技术,甚至可以抵御王水的腐蚀(王水可以溶化黄金)。呈曲线的刀片是经过计算机优化计算得到的,是最匹配和自然顺应人的手臂,并确保最大能量传递过程中的推力。而在刀背设计有独特的锯齿,咄咄逼人的锯齿还提供极端牵引用反握捕钩技术。
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