品 牌 |
Chris Reeve 克里斯.里夫 (官网地址:www.chrisreeve.com) |
型 号 |
LARGE Sebenza 21 Unique Graphic W/Tiger Eye Inlay
沙本沙21折刀 雕花系列 “虎眼”折刀 镶嵌黄色宝石 |
产 地 |
MADE IN USA 美国制造 |
全 长 |
21.2 cm |
闭合长度 |
12 cm |
刀刃长 |
9.2cm |
刀刃钢材 |
CPM S35VN S35VN粉末钢 |
钢材硬度 |
58-59 HRC |
表面处理 |
石洗/拉丝双重处理 |
手柄材质 |
6AI4V Titaninum w/Tiger's eye cabochon 钛金属手柄,表面雕刻有纹路镶嵌虎眼黄色宝石
刀刃厚度 |
3.175 mm |
重量 |
133克 |
一体框架锁 |
类 型 |
EDC系列 |
可选款式 |
平刃 |
出厂日期 |
2016年 |

Chris developed his unique style of embellishing Sebenza handles early in the 1990’s and now these graphics have become a trademark of Chris Reeve Knives. The graphics are machined into the handles and are enhanced with either color or texture contrast. Colors are achieved by anodizing, a process that involves passing an electrical current through the titanium handle, causing a layer of oxide to form on the surface. The desired color is achieved by selecting a specific voltage and the color is simply reflected light, the spectrum splintered. When the coloring is complete, the handle is hand polished to a satin finish. Silver Contrast designs use a satin finish paired against the matte finish of sandblasting.
Computer Generated Graphics (CGGs):
These designs are repeatable and may be ordered by name. CAD/CAM (computer aided drawing/computer aided machining) allows the creation of a graphic, and transfer of the design into a program that can be machined on a CNC milling machine. The colors of the thumb lugs and back spacers are matched to the respective designs and will not be varied, nor can we accept requests for changes of color or the addition of inlays. Effective February 28th, 2014, the selection of designs will be reduced by those marked 'retired', and last orders for these designs will be taken on that date. New designs will be introduced in the coming months.
Unique Graphics:
Each graphic is “drawn” free-hand on a milling machine. Sometimes a cabochon (or two) is inlaid; sometimes it is a gold coin or a diamond. The variations are as endless as the imagination of the artist. Talented and creative, Lisa L’Eveque-Hague has learned many techniques from Chris and has carried the concept on to new levels. All Unique Graphics are one-of-a-kind and, although a similar design can be ordered, they are all individually created and are different.
新版 CR 折刀 采用了新的钢材替换原先的S30V,它就是S35VN。相比 s30V主要是韧性提升 10%-15%。s35vn较s30v,加入了少许铌,强度有所提升,同时防锈性也有提高。
此款CR雕花系列“虎眼”大沙21,采用最先进的数控技术,将独特的艺术画作呈现在沙本沙刀身之上。每一支雕花系列,都是唯一且与众不同的。雕花系列的沙本沙都是限量生产,生产一定数量之后就不在生产。这就保证了每一款沙本沙在市面上流通的数量是很少且有限的,让那些喜欢CHRIS REEVE产品的刀迷有机会获得各种珍藏版。
此款沙本沙Unique Graphic系列属于CR产品中的雕花系列。主刀采用和沙本沙21一样的CPM S35VN粉末钢制造,不同的是,普通沙本沙的刀身都是统一的石洗处理,而雕花系列的沙本沙,采用的是石洗和拉丝双重表面处理;推刀钮采用镀金表面处理,彰显与普通沙本沙的区别,并且镀金推刀钮更耐磨损和腐蚀;手柄部位采用钛金属制作,但是表面经过复杂的数控和氧化处理,将独特的画作雕刻在手柄之上;其中,这款手柄雕刻的纹路代表老虎的爪印;镶嵌的虎眼黄色宝石象征老虎的眼睛;周围的纹路代表老虎的睫毛;在森林中,老虎的眼睛是最具威严的;通常如果直视老虎的眼睛,则代表着向其发起挑战,所以,老虎的眼睛象征的威严和权力! 采用CR专利的一体框架锁结构,简单,耐用,坚固。同时,雕花系列附带一个真皮皮套,和保养工具。
Sebenza折刀的設計特点与重点是实用,是一把可以完全信赖的刀。单手开合简单有效。有左手刀及右手刀可供选择。其特殊的锁定系统称为Integral Lock,将刀柄的一部份拿來做锁定装置,非常的稳固有效且可靠。刀子使用最高级之材质,握柄材质为6AL4V钛金属,刀刃采用1/8"厚的S35V不锈钢,经特殊硬化处理,使其硬度达59HRC.也使其耐磨度及刀鋒锐利保持度都非常杰出。刀刃本身经过独特的“石洗”表面处理,每把Sebenza都有刀绳孔可以系上刀绳,刀绳在某些特定场合比如说水中或是担心刀子掉落之地点时,可将刀绳解开系在手腕上以保护刀子不會遗失。
Sebenza独特的设计使其可以很方便的将刀分解清洁,每把刀都隨刀附赠专用工具来分解组合Sebenza. Chris Reeve以自己深厚的艺术修养和特殊的刀具审美感,修饰了SEBENZA手柄外形和及整体协调。这使得一把坚固的工作刀呈现出少有的绅士风范。即使在最正规的场合出现,SEBENZA一样显的幽雅而内敛。SEBENZA无论是配带在黑色礼服里,或是别在战术背心上,都是那么自然妥贴。而无论是开信封切雪 茄,或是和敌人格斗,SEBENZA一样耐用、锋利和致命。
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