品 牌 |
UNITED CULTLY knives 联合刀具(英国)
(官网地址:http://www.unitedcutleryknives.co.uk/) |
型 号 |
#BV207 “Black Legion Army Skull” "黑暗骷髅军团" 折刀
产 地 |
MADE IN CHINA 英国品牌,在中国制造。 |
全 长
21.4 cm |
刀刃长度 |
8 cm |
刀刃厚度 |
2.9 mm |
刀刃钢材 |
Stainless Steel 不锈钢,表面为灰色钛氮涂层。 |
表面处理 |
Black stone-washed 黑色石洗处理 |
手柄材质 |
Stainless Steel Handle 不锈钢材质手柄。 |
手柄长度 |
11.7 cm(不含切割钩长度) |
重 量 |
157 克 |
特殊功能 |
尾柄附带切割钩及破窗器功能 |
包装规格 |
纸盒包装。 |
设计者 |
联合刀具公司 |
官网价格 |
-- |
限制地区 |
新疆,西藏。 |
限 制:未 成 年 人 请 勿 购 买 !
United Cutlery Knives UK .
United Cutlery Knives UK is a retail division of Anglo Pacific Trading Ltd who have been supplying goods for camping, hunting, fishing,water sports,hiking and winter sports for over 30 years.
United Cutlery Knives UK is wholly owned by Anglo Pacific Trading Ltd a family run British business with its headquarters in London & warehousing in Leicestershire. The business was originally formed in 1982 and is still run and owned by the founding family.
For over twenty years United Cutlery® has been distinguished by their unique and innovative product designs that cover a wide range of knives and swords, from functional to fantasy,
Collectible Movie Replicas
Functional Swords and Martial Arts
Fantasy Swords
Throwing Knives
Sporting and Hunting Knives
Personal Protection/Military Knives
Folding and Utility Knives
Camping Fishing Knives
Displays and Stands
United Cutlery Knives is well known for their movie prop replicas, fantasy collectibles, along with a great selection of functional sport and utility knives, traditional samurai swords, and their unique designer knives and swords by Kit Rae and Gil Hibben. Often imitated, but never exceeded, United Cutlery® strives to make their knives and swords to the highest standards in the industry, with superior value, quality, performance, great customer service, and prices that cannot be beat! United Cutlery Knives UK sells to both wholesale and retail customers.
英国联合刀具公司是一个刀具零售公司,负责提供包括野营,狩猎,钓鱼,水上运动,远足以及冬季运动等所需物品超过30年,他是英国-太平洋贸易公司所属的全资子公司。总部设在英国伦敦,莱斯特郡。公司成立于1982年,至今仍然在提供这些产品和服务。超过20年历史的联合刀具一直在提供最前卫和最创新的刀具,而在刀具市场占有一席之地。涵盖范围包括艺术刀剑,日用和科幻道具;电影需要的道具刀具,以及运动,野营,狩猎,日常用,军警用等各个系列刀具在内。联合刀具最著名的当属为各个电影提供的道具刀具,包括第一滴血兰博使用的刀具,以及《敢死队》史泰龙使用的刀具和电影《魔戒》《指环王》等等均由联合刀具公司提供。最著名的设计师包括Kit Rae and Gil Hibben(吉尔·赫本)。一直被模仿,从未被超越,联合刀具公司所设计的众多前卫造型的刀具,一直在引领刀具设计的潮流。