品牌 |
LionSteel 钢狮(意大利) |
型号 |
#TS1DF GM "TS1 DAMASCUS Fate" TS1-命运 大马士革钢一体龙骨折刀 |
产地 |
意大利 |
全长 |
19.5 cm |
闭合长度 |
11 cm |
刀刃长 |
8.5 cm |
刀刃钢材 |
Damascus Inox Chad Nichols 大马士革钢
钢材硬度 |
58-60 HRC |
刀刃厚度 |
3.5 mm |
手柄材质 |
6AL4V Titanium 6AL4V钛金属一体切削手柄 |
表面处理 |
Fate 命运 波浪纹理 |
重量 |
100克 |
设计者 |
Design by RYP, Robert Young Pelton (同时也是DPX,GEAR的创立人) |
类型 |
水滴型绅士折刀 |
官网价格 |
350欧元, 不含运费及关税。 |

TiSpin. It is a monolithic Titanium frame, 6Al4V, with a frame lock system (like SR1). The handle is worked with a 4 axis milling machine in order to have a full ergonomic titanium's handle.
The blade is available in three diferents version of Chad Nichols USA Damascus Inox. RainDrop, Lizard and Damascus. Design by RYP
意大利Lion Steel Knives (钢狮) 于1969年由 Gino Pauletta 及其妻 Cesarina始创于意大利Maniago,目前由他的儿子也就是第二代掌门人Gianni, Daniele 及 Massimo接手经营。Lion Steel的标志灵感來自于Gino的祖父亲手雕刻的狮像而來。
钢狮的第一把刀是 SR-1款,并荣获2010年亚特兰大最佳刀具创意奖(Most Innovative Imported Design" at the 2010 Blade Show )。
“制作高品质,实用,且具收藏价值的刀”是Lion Steel所贯彻的宗旨,无论选用的材料或是加工制作皆属上乘,喜爱意大利刀具风格的朋友,必不可少LIONSTEEL!

RYP - Robert Young Pelton
Robert Young Pelton is an author, journalist and documentary filmmaker. An iconoclast known for his entry into most of the world's conflicts over the last fifteen years, Pelton is known as an adventurer and a witness to conflict. His reputation is built on his interest and ability to enter forbidden, deadly and violent places and emerge with a stunning story. Pelton founded DPx Gear, Inc. in 2011 to create gear based on his needs for equipment in hostile and deadly environments.
Robert Young Pelton and Gianni Pauletta were returning from the IWA trade show in Nuremberg, Germany and Pelton asked Gianni why no one has created the world’s simplest and most durable gentleman’s knife. Pelton wanted to create the lightest and most elegant knife ever made. Pelton began sketching his concept while driving through the mountains. When they arrived back in Maniago, Italy, LionSteel crew began overcoming the formidable barriers to creating a thin tough folder from a single block of aviation grade titanium alloy. LionSTEEL Ti Spine was born from this pure demand for perfection.
此款TS1系列是由著名的Robert Young Pelton所设计,也许您对这位设计师不熟悉,但如果提到著名的生存品牌 DPX GEAR,大家一定不会陌生,对,这位钢狮设计师Pelton同时也是著名的DPX生存品牌的创始人。此款TS1采用大马士革钢折刀,采用独特的波浪纹理,命名为“FATE”,中文叫“命运”。如同刀身的波浪纹理一样,人的一生不可能是一帆风顺,就如同这波浪一样,总会高低起伏,有高潮得意时,也有低潮失落时,但不论如何,那就是人生。手柄为6AL4V钛金属材质,采用钢狮引以为傲的一体切割技术,手柄为一整块钛金属立体切割而成,比普通拼接的手柄,要更坚固,更美观,也更耐用。采用克里斯·里夫专利的一体框架锁结构,简单,耐用,安全。附带有口袋夹。
TS1 系列的主要特点:

