品 牌 |
Extrema Ratio 极端武力 |
型 号 |
PSYCHO 19 SATIN 战术厨刀系列 “塞克”19号 钢本色 多用途生存刀 |
产 地 |
意大利 |
全 长 |
33.1 cm |
刃 长 |
20 cm |
刀刃钢材 |
BöHLER N690 STEEL ( 58HRC ) 德国N690钢 |
钢材硬度 |
58 HRC |
表面处理 |
SATIN 钢本色拉丝处理 |
刀刃厚度 |
4 mm |
手柄材质 |
FORPRENE 沙色北约军规材质 |
闭合长度 |
--- |
重量 |
280 克 |
刀鞘材质 |
cordura 俗称“烤地瓜”高密度尼龙材质收纳套,附带MOLLE携带系统。 |
官网价格 |
250.5 欧元,不包含运费及关税。 |
限 制:未成年人请勿购买!本品仅供收藏!

TACTICAL CUTLERY ENTERS YOUR KITCHEN Just for fun, we tried and applied exacting military standards to the making of a line of professional kitchen knives. Blades are made from tried-and-tested Böhler N690 steel – enriched with chromium, vanadium, molybdenum and cobalt, tempered to a hardness of HRC 58. The Forprene handles can be fully detached from the blades, enabling thorough cleaning and maintenance. Forprene is an elastomer compliant with NATO standards for weathering extreme conditions. Each knife comes with its own sheath, also fashioned after military criteria. Sheaths are not designed for food preparation hygiene, but rather for maximum safety in carrying an extremely sharp blade, while shielding it from impacts and preserving its sharpness. Therefore, we recommend only sheathing these kitchen knives for transportation and long-term storage. We’re confident our affectionate customers already know how to handle fine blades, anyway, and new customers will learn in no time!
Large kitchen knife. The classic knife for general use for efficiency in the kitchen. Satin version with sheath in real leather and desert camo version with sheath in cordura.

传统刀具的造型和设计,不太适合在日常使用,比如,用来操作食物的时候,那么如果把厨刀和战术刀或者生存刀结合起来会是什么样的效果呢?没错,Extrema Ratio给了你一份很好的答案。今天为您展现的就是极端武力的最新作品,将战术与厨刀结合起来的一款“战术厨刀”,该战术厨刀系列为全新的“PSYCHO”“塞克”系列,其实,这个单词有着双重性格的意思,比如,一个人有安静的一面,也有着活泼的一面,此款设计理念也是如此,通俗的叫,就是上得厨房,下得了战场。整刀造型在经典厨刀的基础上演变而来,将战术需求有机的结合。整刀采用德国产N690钢,4毫米的厚度,提供强大的支持;表面为钢本色拉丝处理,同时激光雕刻有ER经典的沙漠色纹理图案。采用一体龙骨结构,坚固耐用;手柄为北约军规材质FORPRENE包裹。作为厨刀,可以提供厨刀的一起功能;而结合战术风格和要求之后,则变成了一款无比强悍的战术刀。剃刀般锋利的刀刃,而为了挥砍特别设计的手柄保证使用时不会脱手;手柄末端预留有系绳孔。此款同时附带一款高级尼龙收纳套,同时附带有MOLLE系统,可以方便的挂在腰带上,战术背心上,背包上等,在平时可以作为普通厨刀用,在野外可以作为高级生存刀使用。

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