品牌 |
LionSteel 钢狮(意大利) |
型号 |
# M5 ST "LEGNO SANTO" 酸枝木手柄 M5 中号猎刀 |
产地 |
意大利 |
全长 |
24.10 cm |
闭合长度 |
---- |
刀刃长 |
11.5 cm |
刀刃钢材 |
Sleipner 粉末钢 |
钢材硬度 |
60~61 HRC |
刀刃厚度 |
4.5 mm |
手柄材质 |
Santos Wood 酸枝木手柄,3D立体雕刻防滑纹路。 |
表面处理 |
缎面处理 |
重量 |
350克 |
设计者 |
Molletta design |
类型 |
水滴型刀刃 |
刀鞘材质 |
牛皮鞘,意大利制造。 |

Our fixed-blade knife range has been increased by a new 5” blade model. Our purpose was to produce an all-around knife that can be easily carried and handled. It comes in four different versions, three of them have satin finished blade and one has a PVD-coated and “stone-washed” treated blade. It has three different handle versions: black G10, santos wood and olive wood. The wood handle versions are equipped with leather sheath, while the G10 version come with black Cordura sheath. It features stainless steel Torx T8 bits closure system. It is sold with a brown leather sheath for all the wood handles and Cordura sheath for Micarta handle. Designed by MOLLETTA
意大利Lion Steel Knives (钢狮) 于1969年由 Gino Pauletta 及其妻 Cesarina始创于意大利Maniago,目前由他的儿子也就是第二代掌门人Gianni, Daniele 及 Massimo接手经营。Lion Steel的标志灵感來自于Gino的祖父亲手雕刻的狮像而來。
钢狮的第一把刀是 SR-1款,并荣获2010年亚特兰大最佳刀具创意奖(Most Innovative Imported Design" at the 2010 Blade Show )。
“制作高品质,实用,且具收藏价值的刀”是Lion Steel所贯彻的宗旨,无论选用的材料或是加工制作皆属上乘,喜爱意大利刀具风格的朋友,必不可少LIONSTEEL!
此款M5ST 的主要特点:

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