Spyderco蜘蛛C230GP LIL' NATIVE G-10 BLACK 超小号本土系列折刀 S30V钢制造 钢本色石洗表面处理 黑色G10手柄内附双钢衬 背衬锁(现货)
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官網建議價:¥2600LionSteel钢狮(意大利)SR11BB BlackWash 2017美国刀展年度双重冠军奖项型号 SR11黑色石洗特别版 全钛手柄+SELIPNER钢 IKBS轴承开启+专利锁定 ()
品牌 FOX 狐狸 (意大利) www.fkmdknives.com 型号 #FX- SCT02B “STEALTH CARBON TITANIUM”
“隐形者” 钛金属+碳纤维特种战斗刀产地 意大利 全长 29.5 cm 刃长 16 cm 刀刃厚度 6 mm 刀刃钢材 Titanium grade 5 + Carbon fiber 钛金属+碳纤维混合材质 钢材硬度 45 HRC 表面处理 金属本色 手柄材质 FORPRENE® black 黑色北约军规材质手柄 刀鞘材质 KYDEX K鞘。附带腰夹。 重量 155 克 类 型 特种战斗刀 包装规格 纸盒。 官网价格 845美元,不包含运费及关税。 销售限制 未成年人请勿购买任何商品。
The concept for the STEALTH program has been launched after a discussion with a Captain of a world’s famous Italian Special Forces Unit. The Captain explained to us that during their training and in particularly during special operations – their equipment load is quite substantial and they are looking to reduce – as much as possible – the weight of their essential equipment. In the field – every single ounce counts. As well, as is the case with all special ops teams looking to improve their edge in the field, they have been looking for a new diving and EOD knife that is 1) 100% non magnetic for mine demolition, 2) completely rust resistant and 3) a superior cutting tool. From this list of essential needs we started the development of our STEALTH blades. The blade is manufactured using an inner core blank of BETA Titanium with external layers of Carbon Fiber that are bonded together using special resins in a vacuum process. The end result is a blade that is very flexible with minimal vibration. The Titanium and Carbon Fiber are completely non-magnetic and rust resistant and are ideal components for EOD and diving purposes. The handle is made from FORPRENE material, a special industrial grade elastopolymer that we are using in all of our FKMD knives. The handle screws are in anodized aluminum. For the sheath we are offering two styles depending on the application: 1100D Cordura nylon MOLLE compatible or heat molded KYDEX. We will also introduce a stainless steel version using N690Co Cobalt Vanadium steel for the inner core blank. Both solutions are extremely strong but lightweight (only 5 ounces in Titanium) multi use tactical knife with superior.
此款FOX SCT02B "STEALTH" 中文译为“隐形者”,是意大利FOX公司应意大利某特种部队要求而开发的特种战术直刀。在FOX公司与该著名特种部队一名上尉沟通过程中了解到,特战士兵在日常训练或者特种行动中,所背负的装备和武器相当沉重,甚至都以克来计数,他们希望可以尽量减少每个装备的重量,这样就可以尽可能多的携带更多装备。同时,该特种部队上尉也希望开发一款特种战斗刀具,不论是潜水行动还是EOD排爆行动,都可以满足以下条件:1.100%无磁性,这样可以避免触发磁性感应水雷或者是磁性地雷,这在排爆当中是非常必要的;2.完全的耐腐蚀,防锈,因为特战队员经常需要在水下行动,或者是在恶略条件下行动,而普通刀具则不能提供完全防锈的能力;3.同时是一款优异的切割工具,这点非常必要。 根据以上要求,FOX公司启动了“STEALTH”计划,经过数年研发,终于找到了一款同时满足以上苛刻条件的材料,那就是将钛金属与碳纤维材料有机结合而成的特种材料,这种技术经过FOX公司几年的研发才研制成功,它是将一个内心掏空的钛金属镶嵌碳纤维材料,在真空条件下,与研发的特种树脂材料粘合起来,这种材质组成的“刀刃”,100%无磁性,而且完全耐腐蚀,即便是在海水中浸泡数年也不会生锈。而这仅仅是刀身部分,为了满足整刀无磁性的要求,刀鞘采用KYDEX材质制作(同时也提供尼龙刀鞘可选),连刀鞘上的螺丝和刀身手柄螺丝,也都采用铝合金材质制造,阳极氧化处理,不会带有一点磁性。 同时,FOX公司也生产N690CO钢的普通型号以供日常使用,而这种型号也仅仅比钛金属型号重5盎司(140克)。
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