品 牌 |
型 号 |
#20MTS “Mini Tuff-Lite Serrated”
迷你“石灰岩” 全齿刃 折刀
产 地 |
全 长 |
12.7 cm |
刃 长 |
5 cm |
刀刃钢材 |
Japanese AUS 8A Stainless 日本产AUS-8A不锈钢 |
钢材硬度 |
58 HRC |
表面处理 |
刀刃厚度 |
6.3 mm |
手柄材质 |
Griv-Ex™ (一种高级耐高温尼龙材质) |
口袋夹 |
不锈钢材质口袋夹,可别在口袋或者腰带上。 |
重量 |
45 克 |
官网价格 |
43.99美元,不包含运费及关税。 |
销售限制 |
未成年人請勿購買。 |

Mini Tuff-Lite:
Tough enough to do the job and light enough to be handy, Cold Steel's Tuff-Lite folders are there when you need them. They're perfectly sized to slip into a pocket, clip to your waistband, or wear around your neck on a lanyard.
Offering wide, hollow ground, 2 and 2 1/2 inch blades, they are mercilessly sharp and can shear through the toughest materials with unexpected ease. And, due to their slant point, they offer deep penetration and precision cutting potential without appearing aggressive enough to draw unwanted attention.
The Mini Tuff-Lite folders are bred for work and offer a surprisingly good grip due to their superbly engineered handles. Made of Grivory, they offer an enormous strength to weight ratio and feature our state of the art Tri-Ad® lock, which gives them astonishing muscle for their size.
Small and inconspicuous, yet strong and tough enough to prevail in an emergency, they make terrific 24/7 companions for all walks of life.
如果你需要一款小巧轻便,又要坚固耐用得心应手的刀具,那么冷钢“石灰岩”系列,应该是不错的选择。这款迷你“石灰岩”全齿刃折刀,全长只有12cm左右,可以轻松的放进上衣口袋里,或者通过在尾柄系上伞绳或者珠链,可以挂在脖子上~~ 采用日本产AUS-8A不锈钢,经过热处理后,可以达到58HRC左右硬度,同时具有很好的硬度和韧性,同时也耐腐蚀。虽然体积小巧,但却是按照最坚固的目标来制造的,采用加宽的刀身,提供更强大的切割力;此款分为平刃和全齿两款,其中全齿刃提供更强大的切割力。刀刃设计前半部类似大平磨方式开刃,锋利耐用。手柄为Griv-Ex™(一种高级尼龙材质,坚固耐高温)材质,虽然小,但手柄位置同样设计有两个握持位置。手柄背部为冷钢专利加强型TRI-LOCK 背锁系统。手柄末端预留有一个方孔,可以系伞绳,或者穿在钥匙扣上。
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