品牌 |
型号 |
# 62NL " ESPADA Large" 冷钢 "口袋剑" 博伊折刀
产地 |
全长 |
31.12 cm |
闭合长度 |
17.15 cm |
刀刃长 |
13.97 cm |
刀刃钢材 |
Japanese AUS-8A 日本产AUS-8A不锈钢 |
钢材硬度 |
58~59 HRC |
表面处理 |
拉丝处理 |
手柄材质 |
Polished G-10 with Polished 7075 Aluminum Bolster and Frame
抛光G-10和抛光7075铝合金混合材质手柄及内衬 |
刀刃厚度 |
4 mm |
重量 |
278克 |
冷钢专利TRI-LOCK 背锁系统 |
开启方式 |
推刀盘,附带口袋夹。 |
官网价格 |
359.99美元,不包含运费及关税 |
限制 |
未成年人请勿购买任何商品! |

Cold Steel Espada with Polished G10 Handle Description :
The Espada was designed by custom knife maker Andrew Demko and Cold Steel President Lynn C. Thompson. Their goal was to harness old world craftsmanship with new world advancements in mechanics and materials to create a new series of tactical folders for today's Conquistadors. Like the swords of old the Espada's are not for the weak, timid, faint of heart or those desiring another spring assisted play toy. Just pick one up and you'll see what we mean! Definitely not politically correct, they are huge yet surprisingly well balanced and feature dramatically upswept clip point blades that are ideal for cutting, slashing and piercing. Made from vacuum heat-treated and sub-zero quenched Japanese 8A stainless steel and hollow ground to a thin, razor sharp edge, they will cleave through just about any obstacle or target in their path. To make your hand the real master of these awesome blades we have paired them with state of the art pistol grip handles. Strongly curved and equipped with multiple finger grooves and even a sub-hilt in the two larger models, they work perfectly in either a forward or reverse grip while offering unprecedented retention and reach through multiple grip extension options. To minimize overall weight and maximize strength and rigidity, we have CNC machined the frames and integral bolsters of the Espada's handles from 7075 Aluminum billets. While quite costly, this material rivals even Titanium in strength and can endure years of the hardest abuse. Finally to make the handle as beautiful as it is effective and strong, we have mirror polished the dovetailed bolsters and attached glossy black G-10 handle scales using the latest high tech fasteners. We don't believe any tactical folder can make a credible claim to being a "pocket sword" without possessing an incredibly strong and reliable lock and the Espada's are no exception. That's why we have equipped each model with our new multi-patented Tri-Ad lock.
"ESPADA" 在西班牙語中稱為"剑",此款擁有非常好的刺穿力、無論是步槍彈夾,鎖子甲,汽車鋼板,獨特的彎刃,讓Espada可輕易穿刺物品。在日本著名漫画《BLEACH》(死神)中被称作“十刃”。此款是由著名的手工刀具设计师Andrew Demko和冷钢的总裁Lynn C. Thompson共同设计,由冷钢公司负责生产的一个系列。该系列包含特大 ,大,中不同型号,不同配置,包括经济版的普通G-10柄,和此款抛光G-10和抛光7075铝合金手柄的豪华版。 此款选用日本产AUS-8A不锈钢,经过真空热处理深冷沾火处理,将此钢材性能提升到极致,独特设计的S型刀刃兼顾了穿刺性和切割性,不论劈砍穿刺均具有极好的表现;高达4毫米的厚度,却拥有极其锋利的刀锋;刀身上部设计有一个大号的推刀盘,方便使用者操作,也起到快开钮的作用。手柄则为抛光G-10和抛光7075铝合金材质组成的混合材质手柄,在手柄上设计有两个握持的位置,可以为劈砍和切割提供不同的把握位置,这种材质提供极佳的握感的同时也提供了极佳的观赏性,抛光的手柄比普通G-10要更漂亮,而为了减轻整刀的重量,此款7075铝合金框架手柄为一整块铝合金,经过CNN数控机床精密切割而成,虽然生产成本变大了,但可以提供更优异的性能,其耐用程度,则成倍的增加。强大的刀身离不开强大的手柄和锁定,其中,锁定方式采用冷钢专利的改良型 TRI-LOCK 三角背锁系统,此种背锁系统经过重新改良,可以承受超过普通背锁更高的强度,在冷钢的破坏实验中,足足承受了600磅,大概500斤的力量才将锁定破坏,而这个强度,在日常使用中,是很难出现的。 冷钢在描述这款产品时说道,我们并不相信口袋折刀能做到如此坚固的地步,堪称为口袋版的剑。其令人难以置信的强大让不少人为之赞叹!
Cold Steel(冷钢)是一家伟大的美国刀具生产商,他们不断开创新的设计和完善已有的产品。冷钢出品的每把刀都经过严格的测试和质量把关,“我们只做最好的!”这就是冷钢领超其他刀具品牌的秘密。Cold Steel以精致完善的工艺、坚实可靠的性能在世界范围内受到尊重爱戴,是各国刀友信赖的国际知名品牌。
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