品 牌 |
型 号 |
产 地 |
全 长 |
129 mm |
闭合长度 |
76 mm |
刃 长 |
53 mm |
切割刃长 |
44 mm |
钢材型号 |
N690Co 钴690强化不锈钢 |
钢材硬度 |
58-60 HRC |
手柄材质 |
FRN(玻璃尼龙强化纤维) |
刃 厚 |
2.9 mm |
重 量 |
28 克 |
此款无锁定,靠定位珠卡住,用力可解锁,不受管制。 |
表面处理 |
缎面处理 |
官网价格 |
79.95美元,不包含运费及关税 |
限 制 |
未成年人请勿购买任何商品 |

Design Origins:
Following the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the carry of any type of knife aboard an airplane was strictly prohibited. In early 2013, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced a plan to change U.S. security regulations and once again allow knives on airplanes. Although the plan was later withdrawn, Spyderco had already risen to the occasion by designing a highly functional non-locking pocketknife that would have conformed with the TSA’s proposed guidelines. That knife is the Roadie.
In essence, the Roadie is a highly evolved penknife that is more practical and user friendly than its historical predecessors. It’s most distinguishing characteristic—the “Double Dent™”—is a pair of symmetrical dimples in the blade that provide a solid purchase for a fingernail-free two-handed opening. Far superior to a traditional nail nick, they also do not collect dirt or debris.
Unlike traditional penknives, the Roadie also features a subtle index-finger choil that increases control of the knife during use and acts as a safeguard against unintentional closure. These enhanced features elevate the Roadie far beyond the conventional penknife and set a new standard in socially friendly cutting tools. Although the knife was never given the opportunity to respond to its original “calling,” the result of the project was far too good to pass up.
Materials and Construction:
The business end of the Roadie is a sheepfoot-style blade ground from Böhler-Uddeholm N690Co steel, a high-performance stainless steel alloyed with cobalt, molybdenum, and vanadium. Its wide blade profile and full-flat grind create incredible edge geometry for a keen, scalpel-sharp edge. The broad blade also provides real estate for the distinctive “Double Dent” feature that allows the blade to be easily opened with a pinch grip of the thumb and index finger. Although not intended as an opening feature, a Trademark Round Hole™ in the blade proudly identifies the Roadie as a Spyderco product.
At the base of the blade near its juncture with the handle there is a subtle forefinger choil (finger groove). Placing your index finger on the choil provides excellent control of the edge and creates a natural “stop” to help prevent the knife from closing unintentionally. Both the choil and the opposing thumb ramp on the spine of the blade feature jimping (textured grooves) to promote a positive, non-slip grip.
Unlike a traditional slipjoint, the Roadie’s blade is held open by an improved notched-joint mechanism. Its spring also forms the handle’s full-length back strap, giving it structural strength and providing a foundation for the durable fiberglass-reinforced-nylon (FRN) scales. The injection-molded scales are contoured for comfort and feature a recessed Spyderco “bug” logo on both sides. They are also available in a wide variety of colors to suit every taste.
The Roadie represents a quantum leap in the evolution of modern pocketknife design and sets a new standard of excellence for the breed. We are confident that yours will serve you well.
此款蜘蛛C189PBK的设计源自美国2001年美国9.11事件之后,9.11之后 美国运输安全局(缩写:TSA)加强了对乘坐民航携带刀具的限制,在9.11之前,在美国境内乘坐飞机是可以随身携带一定规格的折刀的(包括可锁定,和不带锁定的),但自从9.11之后,则全面禁止携带任何刀具乘坐飞机,2013年初,美国运输安全局则宣布了一项计划,改变了禁止携带任何刀具乘坐飞机的规定,可以允许携带符合不带锁定,而尺寸小于一定尺寸的折刀乘坐飞机,蜘蛛公司敏锐的感觉到了这一变化所即将带来的产品变革,率先设计了此款“ROADIE” 中文大译为“跑腿的”,意思是这款折刀可以随你去到任何地方。因为此款折刀全长只有129mm,刀刃长度仅为44mm,而且刀尖为不带尖的羊脚蹄型设计,日常使用非常的安全,另外,此款取消了可以锁定的设计,变为打开后靠手柄内的钢棍利用杠杆原理来暂时锁住刀刃,超过一定外力后,折刀会解锁,不会危害到他人。 此款选用耐腐蚀的N690Co不锈钢作为刃材,这种钢材为690不锈钢的钴强化版,非常的耐腐蚀,同时也提高了硬度;不论是日常使用,切水果还是接触海水,都有一定的抗生锈能力,非常适合作为那些经常出差的人士使用。使用的时候,只要用手指捏住刀刃上特别设计的圆形凹孔,就可以打开刀刃。由于符合美国运输安全局的规定,在飞机上削一个苹果,或者打开零食的包装,变成了一件很惬意的事情,而在此之前,只能洗净苹果,用牙齿啃,或者,用牙来撕破零食的包装袋。。这对女士来说,是一件十分不雅的事情。 手柄选用蜘蛛惯用的FRN(玻璃强化尼龙纤维),这种材质是一种高分子复合材料,具有极高的强度,其强度堪比钢铁,但同时具有超轻,不腐蚀,绝缘的特性。 此款在末端有一个圆孔,可以方便的挂在钥匙链上。 另外,此款还推出了女士更喜爱的彩色系列,可供选择!
SPYDERCO另一强大优势就是它选用的钢材,它们从不用那些低成本、低性能的420或425系列的钢材。而它选用的钢材有AUS系列、ATS系列、440系列以及VG系列,甚至制刀界中的顶极材料CPM440V都是它们的常用材料。在美国Spyderco被称为“标准创立者(Standard Setter)”创新的设计,精良的选材,完美的工艺。
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