品 牌 |
型 号 |
"伯奇·胖子" 折刀
产 地 |
全 长 |
151 mm |
闭合长度 |
93 mm |
刃 长 |
58 mm |
切割刃长 |
58 mm |
钢材型号 |
CPM S30V |
钢材硬度 |
60-61 HRC |
手柄材质 |
Titanium w/ Carbon Fiber Inserts 一体钛柄 镶嵌碳纤维 |
刃 厚 |
4.5 mm |
重 量 |
116 克 |
Reeve Integral Lock 克里斯·里夫一体框架锁 |
表面处理 |
拉丝处理 |
官网价格 |
359.95美元,不包含运费及关税 |
限 制 |
未成年人请勿购买任何商品 |

Burch Chubby:
Michael Burch is a custom knifemaker who specializes in high-performance folders painstakingly crafted one at a time. Based on one of his most popular models, Spyderco’s Burch Chubby is a stout, highly functional folding knife that packs an impressive amount of cutting edge into a very compact package.
Aptly named, the Burch Chubby is wide and thick in comparison to its length and provides a satisfying hand-filling heft. Its broad blade is precision machined from 0.175-inch (4.5mm) CPM S30V stainless steel stock for extreme strength and durability. This thickness is offset by the blade’s wide profile, a deep hollow grind, and a pronounced swedge (unsharpened bevel) on the back. Collectively, these features complement the blade’s long, sweeping cutting edge to provide exceptional edge geometry and cutting performance that far exceeds its compact size. Spyderco’s Trademark Round Hole™ completes the package and ensures swift access to the blade with either hand.
The handle of the Burch Chubby is constructed of two solid titanium scales joined at the butt end by a G-10 back spacer. In classic Burch style, the obverse scale features three precisely fitted round carbon fiber inlays that contrast beautifully with the matte gray of the bead-blasted titanium. The other scale is home to the knife’s sturdy Reeve Integral Lock (R.I.L.) mechanism, which locks the blade securely into place when opened. To support convenient carry and keep the Burch Chubby instantly accessible, it features a custom-designed pocket clip configured for right-side, tip-up carry. The broad profile of the clip enables it to hold the knife securely to the pocket, yet ensures a smooth, snag-free draw. It also provides an excellent purchase for your fingers when opening the knife one handed.
迈克·伯奇是一位专业从事高性能刀具设计的定制刀具大师。这款C183是在他最受欢迎的款式上改进而来,定名为:伯奇胖子。这款强壮,高性能的折刀,以CPM S30V粉末钢作为刃材,经过高精密CNN加工形成独特的叶轮状刀刃,具有极高的切削性能。宽大的刀片给人以力量感,而粗壮的手柄,则选用钛金属材质,经过一体切削而成,经过灰色喷砂处理的钛金属表面镶嵌有碳纤维作为点缀。 采用克里斯·里夫一体框架锁,简单而又牢固。在手柄末端镶嵌有G-10,同时配有可以左右互换位置的口袋夹,采用蜘蛛的圆孔开启方式,不论左右手人士均可单手独立操作。
SPYDERCO另一强大优势就是它选用的钢材,它们从不用那些低成本、低性能的420或425系列的钢材。而它选用的钢材有AUS系列、ATS系列、440系列以及VG系列,甚至制刀界中的顶极材料CPM440V都是它们的常用材料。在美国Spyderco被称为“标准创立者(Standard Setter)”创新的设计,精良的选材,完美的工艺。
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