品牌 |
TOPS 尖端战术刀具 |
型号 |
BROS-01 "Fieldcraft By Brothers of Bushcraft"
TOPS BOB 生存刀 附带打火棒和口哨 |
产地 |
美国 |
全长 |
25.45 cm |
刀刃长 |
11.43 cm |
表面处理 |
Black Traction Coating 黑色强力涂层 |
刀刃钢材 |
1095 HCA 高碳钢 |
钢材硬度 |
56-58 HRC |
刀刃厚度 |
4.76 mm |
手柄材质 |
Tan canvas micarta® 沙色帆布米卡塔 |
手柄长度 |
14.02 cm |
重量 |
-克 |
设计者 |
包装 |
塑封包装,附带求生口哨和打火棒 |
开锋形式 |
改良型斯坎的纳维亚刀锋 |
刀鞘材质 |
Kydex K鞘 |

Youtube reviews below...
Review by Tim Stetzer: click here.
The Fieldcraft Knife was designed by The Brothers of Bushcraft, a coalition of men across North America focusing on sharing wilderness living skills of all categories. From tracking, to building shelters, the Brothers of Bushcraft make it a point to show the skills to all people, of all ages, from all over.
The Fieldcraft Knife is the culmination of their knowledge, combining experiences from; the broad and humid rain forests, the arid and scorpion-littered deserts, and the frigid northern lands that span the Americas.
The knife is 10 inches long in total, with a blade length of 4 1/2 inches. This makes a compact, but extremely serviceable knife. The Fieldcraft's blade is 3/16" thick, and made of 1095 High Carbon steel. The cutting edge is a modified Scandinavian Grind, which is very effective for carving, skinning and other general woods work. With a rockwell hardness of 56-58, the ease of sharpening is astounding. That is if you ever get to sharpen the blade. As the hardness and edge geometry work beautifully together to make a long lasting edge.
The handle is one of the most ergonomic ones on the market, sporting several useful additions. Although knives with a lot of frills often end up lacking, the additional items found on the Fieldcraft knife were selected from experience and critiqued in every step of design, development and production. Being made of canvas micarta, the handle will never let you down. The bow drill divot on the handle is frictionless and makes starting those primitive fires almost effortless. The "Thumb Scallops", formed on the hilt of the handle offer more comfort and control when using specialized carving and skinning grips. The pommel of the blade is simply the tang of the knife exposed enough to allow impact from a baton to not effect the handle (though the micarta is definitely tough enough to take such abuse). On the exposed pommel, you will find a scraper specially designed by one of The Brothers of Bushcraft, for striking Ferro rods in a safe and efficient manner.
The sheath is a strong, durable Kydex, with a steel belt clip. This arrangement allows a safe, secure and comfortable carry on the belt, pack strap, or even around the neck. With a built in Ferro-rod attachment point, the sheath now doubles as a minimalist survival kit.
The Fieldcraft knife has had heavy duty abuse, and testing done in the wilderness of Canada, where local survival experts Mors Kochanski, Dr. Gino Ferri, and many others have deemed her a "Serviceable Field Knife". These words are exactly what she is meant to be.
From carving netting needles and trap triggers, to splitting logs in two, the TOPS Knives/Brothers of Bushcraft Fielcraft Knife will do just about any chore that you can throw at her in a wilderness survival scenario.

Bushcraft可以说是一种运动,Bushcraft这个单词其实是两个单词的组合体,一个是Bushmen(布须曼人),一个是 Craft(技术,技艺的意思),因为这项活动最初的起源是来自南半球的布须曼人的传统生存狩猎技巧,而把Bushcraft这项运动发展开来的人,是来自英国的著名生存狂人Ray Mears,中文译名:雷·米尔斯,他自幼热衷野外生存,他的足迹遍及世界各地,在20世纪80年代创立了自己的组织 Woodlore,开始传授野外生存技巧等,后来又在英国的生存电视节目《Tracks》(追踪)中展示他的生存技巧,这在国人的圈中称呼他为“雷胖子”。
此款TOPS的FIELDCARFT是美国BROTHERS OF BUSHCRAFT设计,TOPS生产。采用1095高碳钢制造,热处理保持在56-58HRC,这个硬度可以将1095钢的性能发挥到极致-既保持了钢材的硬度,又很好的处理了钢材的韧性,开锋采用改良型斯坎的纳维亚方式,切削阻力降至最低;手柄为沙色帆布米卡塔材质,防滑耐磨;同时手柄尾部设计有特别的缺口,是用来刮打火棒的,因为打火棒在刮擦瞬间会产生上千度的高温,对刀身表面会产生烧蚀,故将摩擦点设计到尾柄,可以很好的保护刀身。随刀附带一根打火棒及求生口哨一个、
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