BENCHMADE蝴蝶 275BK "Adamas" “阿达玛斯”黑色G10柄+D2钢BK涂层平刃+轴锁 附带MOLLE尼龙收纳套 终极战术生存折() Spyderco蜘蛛C230GP LIL' NATIVE G-10 BLACK 超小号本土系列折刀 S30V钢制造 钢本色石洗表面处理 黑色G10手柄内附双钢衬 背衬锁(现货)
官網建議價:¥1600Spyderco 蜘蛛 C229GP SHAMAN Compression Lock萨满(本土系列)大号折刀 CPM S30V钢 石洗处理配抛光G10材质手柄加双钢衬专利背衬锁(现货)
官網建議價:¥2600LionSteel钢狮(意大利)SR11BB BlackWash 2017美国刀展年度双重冠军奖项型号 SR11黑色石洗特别版 全钛手柄+SELIPNER钢 IKBS轴承开启+专利锁定 ()
品牌 BENCHMADE 蝴蝶 型号 275BK Adamas “阿达玛斯” 产地 美国 全长 22 cm 闭合长度 12.4 cm 刀刃长 9.7 cm 刀刃钢材 D2 Tool Steel 钢材硬度 60-62 HRC 刀刃厚度 4.06 mm 手柄材质 黑色G10手柄,配双钢衬。 锁定方式 轴锁 重量 218克 设计者 SHANE SIBERT Design 表面处理 BK黑色涂层 是否有刀套 附带一个MOLLE沙色尼龙刀套 销售限制 未成年人请勿购买任何商品。
Latin for 'diamond'. Greek for 'invincible' or 'unconquerable'.AXIS® locking mechanism
Ambidextrous thumb studs
Desert tan machined G10 handle with lanyard hole and full stainless liners
Reversible, tip-up pocket clip
The Adamas™ Series of knives was designed by custom knife maker Shane Sibert to honor the courage and commitment exhibited by our fighting heroes. Benchmade Knife Company is proud to donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale of these knives to the Ranger Assistance Foundation. For detailed product specifications please visit Benchmade.com/Adamas.
Rangers Lead the Way
Benchmade Knife Company is proud to donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale of these knives to the Ranger Assistance Foundation.
AXIS® locking mechanism with ambidextrous thumb-stud opener
Tactical drop-point blade style
G10 handle with lanyard hole and full stainless steel liners
Reversible deep-carry tip-up pocket clip
The Adamas® Series of knives was designed by custom knife maker Shane Sibert to honor the courage and commitment exhibited by our fighting heroes. Benchmade® Knife Company is proud to donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale of these knives to the ranger assistance foundation.
蝴蝶最新款,ADAMAS,在希腊语中叫“阿达马斯”(Adamas),意思是“不可征服”、“结实又硬无比” ,没错,这款刀正如名字的含义,坚固无比! 是否这款您看着眼熟?没错,这款刀的设计者就是设计755 MPR的设计师,SIBERT所设计的最新款战术折刀。该型号主刀部分采用D2工具钢,硬度达到了60-62,具有非常高的刀锋保持性;刀刃部分采用蝴蝶专利的BK涂层,可以消除反光,如果在战场上,不会暴露目标!手柄材质为黑色G10配以双钢衬,坚固耐用;采用蝴蝶专利轴锁设计,安全可靠;同时该刀还配一个MOLLEY莫利组合型刀套,可以配合各种战术背心使用。该款刀的刃厚达到了4毫米,属于重型折刀,会是您得力助手!
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