品 牌 |
Extrema Ratio 极端武力 (意大利,官网地址:www.extremaratio.com) |
型 号 |
S.E.R.E 1 Special Force Multipurpose Knife 特种部队 多用途T型手柄战术手刺
产 地 |
全 长 |
21.3 cm |
刃 长 |
15 cm |
刃 材 |
BöHLER N690 |
钢材硬度 |
58 HRC |
表面处理 |
MIL-C-13924 BURNISHING 北约MIL-C-13924标准军规涂层 |
刃 厚 |
6.3 mm |
手柄材质 |
FORPRENE 北约军规材质手柄包裹 |
鞘 材质 |
Kydex |
重量 |
306 克 |
官网价格 |
348.07欧元,不含运费及关税 |
销售限制 |
未成年人請勿購買。 |
Extrema Ratio is proud to introduce the new S.E.R.E. 1, developped together with special forces operators, martial artists and survival techniques experts. It is similar to a push dagger but it has been redesigned as a multipurpose knife, suitable both for cutting and tip use. It comes with partially serrated blade for cutting ropes, with belt cutter and screw-pin shackle wrench.
For further details do not hesitate to contact us.
简 介:
S.E.R.E. 1 originated from a study group encompassing special force operatives, martial artists and survival technique experts. The acronym stands for “Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape”, the four cornerstone concepts for training courses administered to high risk of capture military personnel. Our development team aimed at a contemporary reimagining of the whole fighting/survival knife concept, drawing inspiration from the core principles underlying great survival knives of the past, rather than their actual design. The hilt takes after an uncommonly angled configuration operatives dub “friendly”. Don’t let its similarity with a “push dagger” configuration mislead you: S.E.R.E. 1 is effective both at piercing and slashing. Unlike a push dagger, it’s designed to be wielded with the blade projecting between index and middle finger, forming a single straight line from blade-tip to wrist, and also allowing for reverse grip. The top of the hilt features a “top hammer” protrusion, a substitute of a hammer suitable for a variety of tactical uses, showcasing a natural advantage of S.E.R.E. 1 over traditionally designed single-tang survival knives. The blade was designed for sturdiness and handiness: the tip is shaped to maximize penetration, while its deltoid profile grants it toughness. One edge is partially serrated – useful for cutting ropes – while the opposite edge features a standard design halyard-cutter. The central hole, besides making the blade lighter, functions as a shackle key – a nod to the designers’ maritime background. Peculiar of this knife is that it’s specifically designed for using with the hilt removed: two dedicated holes facilitate mounting on a pole or haft (as an improvised spear, for example, or tomahawk, or a compact-size spade).
S.E.R.E. 1是一支威力惊人的 PUSH DAGGER,也就是T型手柄DAGGER刃型的手刺,它凝聚了特种部队教官、武术格斗家以及生存专家的集体智慧,并在刀型上作出创新改良,和传统“T”型构造的手持推刃有极大不同:独特的力学设计让使用者可以更好地进行击打、推刺等战术动作,同时又可以对目标进行精细切割。
该作品采用整块博赫勒公司的(Bohler)N690高级不锈钢制成,而SERI则是由一整块N690钢一体切割而成,高品质的锻造工艺保证了刀身具备出色的强度,表面有一层黑色北约军规标准涂层,可以完美消除反光并进一步提高耐用性和抗锈蚀性。矛型刀尖(Spear Point)有着强劲的撕裂效用,双锋设计(其中一侧为假刃)降低了穿刺阻力,让锋锐的刃部拥有完美的切削属性以及穿透力。在近身防卫格斗中,发挥出的作用更为惊人,无论是劈刺还是削割,都可以做到精准操纵。
科普一下,什么是 PUSH DAGGER呢? 以下介绍来源于维基百科:
A push dagger (alternately known as: push knife, gimlet knife, fist knife, Stoßdolch (German), push dirk, T-handled knife or punch dagger) is a short-bladed dagger with a "T" handle designed to be grasped in the hand so that the blade protrudes from the front of one's fist, typically between the index and middle finger.[1][2] Over the centuries, the push dagger has gone up and down in popularity as a close-combat weapon for civilians and selected military forces.[3][2]
The sale and possession of push daggers is prohibited in some countries, such as the United Kingdom and Canada.[4][5] The laws of many nations and several U.S. states and cities prohibit or criminalize to some degree the purchase, possession, or sale of push daggers or knuckle knives
The push dagger is thought to have originated from the Indian subcontinent, and is related in principle to the 16th-century Indian katar (कटार), or punching sword.[1][2] However, the katar is gripped by two close-set vertical bars, while a push dagger uses a T-handle and a blade that protrudes between the fingers when properly gripped.[1]
World War I
A Dudley push dagger
The reality of static trench warfare in World War I created a need for short, handy close-combat weapons that could be used in the confines of a trench. With pistols in short supply, a variety of knives and other stabbing weapons were created or issued to troops serving in the trenches. Originally most of these weapons were fabricated in the field from readily available materials such as metal stakes, but soon factory-made examples of knuckle knives and push daggers appeared at the front, and were used by both sides in the conflict. In Britain the Robbins-Dudley Co. of Dudley, Worcestershire, a metalworking concern, was one of the first commercial producers of specialised wartime knuckle-knives and push daggers for private sale to individual soldiers and officers.[18] The typical Robbins-Dudley push dagger – referred to as a 'punch knife' by its maker – utilised an aluminium 'knuckle'-type handle cast onto a 3.625-in. (93 mm) heat-treated steel dagger blade or alternatively, a 5-in. (127 mm ) metal spike, which was subsequently blackened to prevent reflections in moonlight.
World War II
The push dagger re-emerged during World War II, where it was first issued as combat weapon for British commandos, SAS, SOE, and other specialized raiding or guerrilla forces requiring a compact and concealable weapon for sentry elimination or close-quarters fighting.
PUSH DAGGER,直推式DAGGER手刺是一款比较著名的改良型T型手柄手刺,在世界范围内都有生产,虽然各地叫法不一样,但是总的外观基本都是一样的,典型特征就是T型的手柄,传统的手刺是类似直棍一样竖直的,而PUSH DAGGER则改为了T型手柄,以前的手柄通常由木质材料包裹,随着科技的发展,现在通常改为性能更好的材料。PUSH DAGGER手刺被认为始创于16世纪的印度大陆,卡塔尔半岛一代,由punching sword短剑演变而来,通常由手掌握住T型手柄,刃部则有中指和无名指之间露出来,利用挥拳的力度将刃部刺向对方。由于这款PUSH DAGGER小巧,好用,还不影响正常的近身格斗,所以发展变化非常快,在第一次世界大战中,由于双方武器弹药的限制,通常到最后的战斗中,双方都弹药不足,需要一款近身格斗的武器,而当时的冷兵器供应远远不足,很多士兵根本没有可以近战的武器,有的士兵甚至是捡起地上的金属碎片或者是木头上的长钉作为武器来使用,而在实际使用中发现,这样捡漏的武器居然还很有效果,于是,英国一家武器工厂就生产了一款类似长钉一样的手刺,手柄由铝冲压制成,后来在长钉上镀了一层黑色涂层,以减少在夜间的反光,在偷袭时避免被对方发现。 而后,在第二次世界大战中,这种生产成本低而效果很好的PUSH DAGGER 被英国SAS特种部队,和其他国家的特种部队大量采用,得到了非常好的使用效果。如今,这种PUSH DAGGER已经自成一个系列,很多厂家都在生产,更多的是作为经典来收藏。